The factory opened in 1988 and soon employed more than a hundred people.
The factory employs six people now, security men making sure the place doesn't burn down.
Much of the work was unnecessary, and many factories employed far more workers than needed.
The factory that made them employed twenty-five men on the job.
At its peak, the factory was employing nearly 13,000 men and women.
In 2010 the factory employed 684 workers, and produced 352,978 engines.
In 1840, the factories employed almost 8,000 workers - mostly women between the ages of 16 and 35.
From this point until the mid-1980s was the height of production, with the factory employing 4,500 workers.
There are 105 factories and concerns employing 17 thousand workers.
The move was completed in 2009, and the factory now employs about 700 locals.