The generator was installed in the garage of the factory compound, which was also the only entry and exit point of the factory.
They can only leave the factory compound during regulated hours.
The plan is to convert a twenty-eight-building factory compound into the world's largest museum of post-1960 international art.
Outside, it was after midnight, and a forbidding-looking factory compound was swimming in equal parts mud and fog.
But several hundred soldiers gathered here and there within this factory compound to watch the game on projection screens or 27-inch televisions set up for the purpose.
Angry protesters stormed the factory compound, overturned eight company vehicles, and destroyed the offices before police came to disperse the crowd.
The player's helicopter is forced to set down on an island, landing on the rooftop of a factory compound.
These workers often live in dormitories on the factory compound for a period of a year before returning to their villages or moving into the city.
Nor is it unusual for workers to spend 24 hours a day in a factory or a factory compound.
But it criticised the Police for not applying measures, such as the use to tear gas, to keep the crowd away from the factory compound.