Has a rogue faction of some research program taken matters into its own hands?
A political line is the general view a political party, organization, faction, or ideology takes on a given question.
Various Iraqi factions and ethnic groups will take the chance to settle old scores.
The faction took its name from the English party which traditionally fought against the unlimited power of the king.
Three factions may now be taking shape behind the new leader.
Surprisingly, the violence soon died down and the factions took their battle from the streets back into the political institutions.
Under the Articles, a faction could easily take control of a state and the government would not be able to do anything about it.
Most often coalitions of activists and advocates support each other when one faction takes the lead in a particular movement.
All major Palestinian factions took part, something that is not always the case on such occasions.
But it was still not clear on Saturday whether any other factions would be taking part.