Also, the player can cause wanton destruction in many small outposts and strongholds occupied by and restricted to faction members only.
Already, the soldiers were cutting down those faction members who stumbled against their lines.
Now, even if they do not dare to join in the calls for his ouster, many prominent faction members are making little effort to protect him.
There is evidence that these young men were the faction members most prone to violence and extreme factional rivalry.
Soldiers receive a shield indicating their factional allegiance and gain additional stat rewards when they kill opposing faction members.
This allowed faction members in the party apparatus to cultivate even more new talent.
Individual faction members can also join these secret societies to gain access to side-quests as well as to raise their respective factions' levels.
Killing faction members can also influence your faction alignment.
The reasons are both ideological and personal to the faction members.
The bad faction members consumed meat and alcohol while the good faction members were abstinent vegetarians.