After the revolutions of 1848 as a result of the romantic nationalism, two factions appeared.
From the outside, at least, the factions appear to be struggling for control of the game.
Another faction, which seemed to have been involved in the political front, appeared and quickly split in early 2008.
Lebanon's warring religious factions appeared early today to be close to an agreement that would give Muslims a significantly greater role in national affairs.
Conference participants said the Cambodian factions appeared to want to fight further to test each other's military strength before they resumed negotiations.
All three factions appear to be taking advantage of the the impasse in the talks to improve their position on the ground.
The two factions appeared to feel strongly about their beliefs, because Hugh saw fights break out on several occasions.
Recently, the three factions appear to have cooperated on some attacks.
To outsiders, these groups or factions can appear to be indistinguishable.
'The two factions appear to be very close to a confrontation - but this is nothing you do not already know.'