A fact-finding hearing, Berman said, involves hearing testimony from caseworkers, doctors, family members and others who may have been in contact with the children.
The first fact-finding hearing in January showed just how wrong - and self-serving - much of the government's information about the Sept. 11 plot had been.
All five were given notice to attend the fact-finding hearing, which began July 6 and ended July 13, but none attended.
No investigation has been made by the House Judiciary Committee, nor have any fact-finding hearings been held.
Its main tools were fact-finding hearings and detailed reports to help measure the progress of desegregation, particularly in education, employment and housing.
The sessions, which are mainly fact-finding hearings, have included testimony from experts from across the country, speaking through video conference links.
We will not require the Government to undergo a fact-finding hearing and forgo a substantial benefit of its bargain.
Instead, committee chairmen have fact-finding hearings on a broad issue before drafting bills.
First, the judge had held a fact-finding hearing.
And under a change adopted several years ago, tenants can submit papers opposing the landlord but are not entitled to a fact-finding hearing on the issue.