We had taken a bottle of brandy with us, and, as I poured some into her glass, the fact that it was alcohol reminded me.
The small fact reminded Bond of other times in hot climates.
That fact alone reminds me of why I got out.
The fact that seeking clarification is so prevalent reminds us what a potentially confusing behaviour building can be.
The fact that Shran's left antenna evidently had yet to grow back completely reminded Archer of how recently the two men had last encountered one another.
That and the fact that the youth reminded him of someone.
(The fact that the massage table tilted at the touch of a pedal, like a dentist's chair, reminded me of less pleasant procedures.)
I hope this fact, least, reminds you about the value of democracy and self-determination, which may lead you to understand and respect the distinction between the two countries.
Yes, in fact his looks to the camera are perfectly timed and remind me of those of Oliver Hardy.
Just get the facts, she - reminded herself.