The fact that two people apparently needed a third force to keep them together implied much about certain kinds of relationships.
This fact implies that the loop can execute at most times.
We measure clickthroughs, so the fact that someone has followed a link does at least imply some value.
The fact that experiments like this go on implies a certain desperation.
This fact implied certain obvious conclusions, and suggested a possible course of action.
He must surely see that the fact of two things being different implies that they are similar.
The fact that, he had been saved and not killed implied some sort of plans for his future.
The fact that these two methods give the same results in this case does not imply it in general.
This fact implies a possible role for these isoforms in allowing the plant to deal with stress.
"But the fact that his ship is now doing what he said he wouldn't do implies there might have been a change in command."