"It is more fact based rather than calendar based," he said.
They were also forbidden to deny coverage after the fact based on a final diagnosis, instead of the symptoms.
An answer to a fact based question asks the reader to simply recall the text and point to one specific passage.
To ask a fact based question, you are asking, "What does the author say?"
"I need to keep everything real time and fact based and I don't have the information."
Steroid use in baseball is now a fact, based on last season's survey testing that produced 5 to 7 percent positive results.
Questions developed for cognitive password systems are classified as being either fact or opinion based.
Now, don't get me wrong, there are intelligent liberals who have actually arrived at their beliefs through fact based decision making.
The school includes a library, covering topics from educational journals to fact based books.
People who acted on their intuition favored Clinton, while the "fact based" ones did not.