Their facilities utilize Dri-guard, a dehumidification system, and computerized access systems and surveillance cameras.
You would have the entire human resources and all the facilities in the Bendix Schere Foundation to utilize in any way you wanted.
The facility utilizes artificial control of light, temperature, moisture, and carbon dioxide concentrations.
Over 40,000 divers annually utilize the facilities, which have sunken "treasures" to enhance the underwater experience.
The facility utilized a logo similar to the one used before the name-change to HiFi Buys Amphitheatre.
The facilities are compact and fully utilized.
The facility will be heated, air conditioned and utilize a flooring appropriate for the intended athletics and recreational activities.
In-hospital treatment costs depend on the financial condition of the patient and the facilities utilized, but are usually much less than the private sector.
The facility utilizes inmate work crews supervised by correction officers to work through the city of Boston and the surrounding towns.
The new facility will utilize solid fuels including waste refinery coke which is available in Louisiana because of the many refinery operations in the state.