The simultaneous preservation and subordination of others' religions facilitated unity under Rome rule and fostered mutual religious tolerance within the hierarchy.
The introduction of conscription and the Third Republic's 1880s laws on public instruction, facilitated the creation of a national identity, under this theory.
For example, strains could be evolved under conditions of high temperatures to observe the molecular changes that facilitate survival and reproduction under those conditions.
Large wing area also permits a slow controlled approach to prey and facilitates easy take-off under load.
You see, we consider it our mission in life to facilitate the conduct of business under ideal circumstances.
The vehicle has a rear door to facilitate evacuation under fire, and can provide covering fire.
FFEO facilitates compliance through inspections and enforcement under all environmental statutes and cleanup at federal facilities.
This would facilitate its recovery with the risks fully under control.
This should be done quickly, since we want to facilitate an agreement on the file under the Slovenian presidency.
Toolkits: Computational systems provided to facilitate the evaluation of a project's performance under the assessment system.