Present in more than 50 countries, where it implements some 200 projects, JRS facilitates reconciliation between victims and perpetrators, between self perceived "enemies".
Belfast City Council has promoted culture with the goals of encouraging creativity, bringing communities together to facilitate reconciliation, and creating new jobs.
Only by going beyond the it-was-wrong stage and elaborating on "I was wrong," will the President be able to facilitate reconciliation and healing.
In 1998 she founded the Barbara Hendricks Foundation for Peace and Reconciliation, which seeks to facilitate reconciliation where conflicts have already occurred.
The government said that he was a "man of consensus" who would facilitate national reconciliation.
The idea that the courts might attempt to facilitate reconciliation between aggrieved parties, called in progressive circles "restorative justice," is never entertained.
By extending UNOSOM II's mandate for a final time, its main objective was to facilitate political reconciliation.
In Uganda, the Acholi people would avoid attacking children in order to facilitate post-conflict reconciliation.
The programme also aimed to facilitate justice and reconciliation. In addition, institutional support amounting to EUR 2 million was awarded to the Ministry of Economy.
We fight the stigma, facilitate testing, counselling and reconciliation.