This facilitates long distance business relationships all over the world, but can provide a challenge in screening applicants.
It also facilitated distributed processing, the connection of multiple applications to create a larger application, usually over a network.
They are, in essence, high resolution web cams, mounted on arms so as to facilitate their placement over a page.
As it happened, you actually facilitated our victory over the machine.
Continued humid weather facilitated major progress over 16 and 17 May, and the fire was 65% contained.
The Task Force directly facilitated over $8 billion in foreign direct investment.
Low level data structures are set up to facilitate arithmetic and gcd over this newly created ground field.
Military analysts estimate that the President's decision to give up short-range nuclear weapons will, in itself, facilitate modest savings over the next five years.
In September 1989 a draft law was presented which aimed to facilitate a large-scale privatization programme over the next five years.
However, there have been some examples of successful service learning projects facilitated over the Internet.