E-cash can be used to facilitate a host of illegal businesses, including drug transactions, thereby eliminating the need for suitcases full of $100 bills.
This facilitates crimes that deal in cash, including money laundering, drug dealing and tax evasion.
Transition services may be designed to facilitate a student's movement to post-school activities, including postsecondary education, and integrated employment.
NPRI facilitated an ongoing public education campaign in the mainstream media about the dangers of nuclear energy, including weapons and power programs and policies.
This was to facilitate traffic to and from South Wales, including zoo excursions to Clifton Down.
The Frye Apartments mission is to house the perpetually homeless and facilitate their staying housed through various activities, including training.
Various kinds of market intermediaries facilitate the trade of water, including water brokers, water exchanges and message boards.
The agreement facilitated the development and expansion of advanced communications technologies in the country, including the latest 4G-LTE system.
Both these measures will facilitate further legal steps against abuse, including those leading to compensation.
He facilitated many civic organizations, including a fire department and a university.