Facilitating legal immigration and naturalizing new Americans, while prosecuting those who violate the country's laws.
He was charged of facilitating clandestine and illegal immigration.
Senator Kennedy has said he expected the bill to facilitate immigration from countries in Western Europe.
Up to now, there have not been any pan-European arrangements for dealing with the victims of action to facilitate illegal immigration or trafficking in human beings.
The definition 'victims of action to facilitate illegal immigration' is unclear.
Thirdly, we need to facilitate and simplify legal immigration.
This will only be achieved, however, with clear, practical rules that facilitate legal immigration and prevent illegal immigration, which is a Europe-wide problem.
By adopting this second phase of the 'asylum package', Brussels is facilitating and encouraging global immigration to Europe.
This measure will facilitate legal immigration when it is necessary in order to meet the needs of the European labour market.
During Ha'apala, several Jewish organizations worked together to facilitate immigration beyond the established quotas.