Half-tracks thus facilitate moving personnel and equipment successfully across varying terrain.
Another view is that governments should become more aware of their national role in facilitating human resources development across all sectors.
The border crossing was moved to facilitate an easier route across western Utah.
However, the ability of technology to facilitate collaboration across broad populations is easily applied to fight against these institutions and their restrictions.
It facilitates the governance, planning, monitoring, quality assurance and dissemination of education research across the Institute.
This is to facilitate participation of students across the world unable to make it to the events.
This will facilitate the interaction and viewing of Web pages across devices with widely varying capabilities.
In order to facilitate circulation across the banks, underground passages have been built on the two sides of the river.
It will also facilitate coordination of knowledge translation and quality improvement projects across Canada.
The proposal was also supported by the central government in order to facilitate political and economic relationships across the Taiwan Straits.