Ms. Kimes is a facile writer, so the wheels never become mired.
"From what I gather, she's a very facile writer," Friedman added.
The author, a columnist for The Chicago Tribune, is a facile writer.
To the contrary, Roberts believes many essential questions are unresolvable, but she is a facile and mostly entertaining writer.
Martha Southgate is a more serious, less facile writer than Mr. Lasser.
To his own surprise (as he later said) he found himself to be a facile writer, and he enjoyed popularizing.
Mr. DeAndrea is a facile writer, and his prose carries a wallop.
Even good spellers make typographical errors, and even facile writers are occasionally at a loss for words.
He himself was a facile writer of verses, the majority of which appeared in his own paper.
Watkins is an extremely facile writer.