But this facile stereotype seems to be gaining more nuance.
I was unhappy with the neoconservative tenor of the times and the facile stereotypes that were circulating about the 60's.
For any reader who wants to believe in a difficult protagonist, and appreciate the reality of El Barrio beyond facile stereotypes, this book is essential.
In his review for The New York Observer, Andrew Sarris wrote, "The film's greatest achievement, however, is in keeping a dizzying variety of characters at odds with each other without any breach of good manners, and without descending to facile stereotypes and caricatures".
It is also treacherously easy to fall into facile and unproductive stereotypes, to categorise the curriculum in schools as 'teacher-centred' and 'formal'.
The truer tension, though, exists not between grand abstractions but between facile national stereotypes.
It is also a perverse premise in a society where people are always being instructed not to give in to prejudice or facile stereotypes.
New York has seen enough of this company over 30 years to do away with facile stereotypes.
But the robust Mr. Wallach is too proud a performer to allow such a familiar character as irascible Mr. Green to recline on facile, sugarcoated stereotypes.