Recognition of facial emotions among maltreated children with high rates of post-traumatic stress disorder.
Images or descriptions of a mother showing shock or fear are to be replaced by depictions of both parents "expressing the same facial emotions."
It is very difficult for him to move around in this state, and he is also incapable of speech or expressing facial emotion.
The people of Ademre communicate with little facial emotion (though basic emotions like laughter and tears are not suppressed).
Some areas of research in this topic include facial emotions, cognition and emotion, and interpretation of emotion.
Mr. Bazan leans more towards form than facial emotion in his visual messages, which feature the dignity of today's deprived yet resourceful Cuban citizens.
Patients also have more difficulty recognizing facial emotions.
Placing the face in context: Cultural differences in the perception of facial emotion.
At a very young age, children are able to identify different, basic facial emotions.
People with schizophrenia reportedly perform poorly compared with healthy adults when asked to identify facial emotions.