And the speculation itself did not seem so intimidating once they were faced with the prospect.
I was now faced with the daunting prospect of investing £500,000 to help provide our main income.
"It's really terrible to think parents would be faced with the prospect of having to sell their homes just to chase after the best schools."
They were brave men, faced with the prospect of dying in a sorry and hopeless way.
He might yet be faced with the prospect of finding out.
Except, now he was faced with the prospect of actually going through with the interview, it didn't seem quite so easy.
"Now we're faced with the prospect of going through this whole thing again in fiscal 1992."
Many men, faced with the prospect of going to the doctor for a fertility evaluation, will tell you: they would rather just stay home.
I know how they feel, faced with the prospect of this directive.
Now, in 2009, we are once again faced with the prospect of going home empty-handed at second reading.