As the passage reads: "The human face surfaced and trembled nearby.
His young face dipped and trembled, with toothache creasing in the corners of the eyes.
With no transition, they came to rest in a vacant lot where Queen Anne's face trembled about them.
His sad face trembled as he shook his sincere, hurt head and sat down.
Sweat beaded like mercury across his brow, and his face trembled.
It felt as if her whole face was trembling.
Philo said nothing and did not look at his father, but his face was trembling and he stood with head bowed.
Jason asked, noting that her usually emotionless face was trembling with fear.
One evening, however, Perregaud came home, his face distorted by terror and trembling in every limb.
Caramon began, his face anguished, his hands trembling as they held her.