Facing rising tensions, the government in East Pakistan outlawed public meetings and gatherings.
M.S. Subbulakhsmi in the United Nations, during a time when the world was facing significant tensions.
Facing rising sectarian tensions and mass discontent with the new law, the government outlawed public meetings and rallies.
But the agencies have faced constant tensions between their respective film units.
He notes that the nation faced a growing terrorist threat and heightened tensions between "fundamentalist and Western industrial societies."
In Cairo, the president spoke of facing tensions squarely, building an international consensus, living up to responsibility and embracing change.
Rooted to the city for decades, the state's Democratic leaders face new tensions melding their suburban and urban interests, he said.
However, the UfM does, nonetheless, face certain political tensions.
But Ender had faced worries and tensions before, many times in his years as a speaker for the dead.
We all face stresses and emotional tensions.