Phaethon, his face slick with sweat, looked up at Rhada-manthus.
The man's cheeks were hollowed with a day's growth of dark beard, his face slick with sweat.
She hacked and cut at the dead bodies before her, laughing breathlessly, her face slick with sweat.
His dark face slick with sweat, one eyelid fluttering.
Jonny stares at me, his face slick with mucus and tears.
He visualized Tomkin's broad face slick with sweat in the tense period of not knowing what was happening below.
De Bonneville stood up, his blackened face slick with sweat, breathing hard.
He was drenched in sweat when Cardinal righted him, his face slick and white.
A security guard, his face slick with sweat, staring at a tricorder.
Hergesheimer squeezed in beside Galena, his face slick with sweat.