But the libraries, relatively shielded in the first round of cuts, now face reductions.
And it faces tight budgets and reductions in county services probably for years.
And he said the cuts in the Board of Education, which is facing disproportionate reductions, may be particularly difficult to carry out.
The good news is that caseworkers who look after abused and neglected children would not face reductions.
People not yet in the work force would face even larger reductions.
Salomon, like other firms, has already cut back on the size of its group and may well be facing additional reductions.
After two years of deep cuts, New York City's budget stands to face even further reductions in the months ahead.
She said the purse strings may be loosened for some agencies during the second half of the year, but others may face further reductions.
The local teaching hospitals, which educate about 15 percent of the nation's doctors, would face added costs and crippling reductions in aid.
But the deal, which leaves many agencies facing big reductions, was criticized by some elected officials and advocates as too painful.