But having been at the center of two world wars, Europe now faces mounting political, environmental and economic uncertainty.
It is facing mounting fiscal and environmental costs from damage done by the sevenfold increase of the vehicles over the past 30 years.
As a result Thatcher faced mounting internal party criticism, which culminated in the decision of Meyer to offer a stalking horse candidacy for the party leadership.
In the meantime, D'Amato faced mounting ethical problems, and these occupied much of Finkelstein's time in 1990 and 1991.
A small businessman named Fara faces mounting professional and personal troubles despite his fierce devotion to the Empress who rules the solar system.
As a result Cook faced mounting criticism from within his own party for spending too much time abroad.
In the 1930s, Schulhoff faced mounting personal and professional difficulties.
While governments throughout the region faced mounting social and economic threats, the Bush administration offered support for a coup attempt in Venezuela.
The new Communist leadership in Vietnam, preoccupied with food shortages and other severe economic difficulties, is now facing mounting foreign policy problems as well.
The agreement is an important symbolic victory for the Soviet leader, who faces mounting political and economic problems at home.