If Pan Am cannot secure the money from United, some analysts say, it probably could not keep operating and would face liquidation.
The airline, which said last week that it lost $285 million in the second quarter, could face liquidation.
In early 1979, Gaddafi warned opposition leaders to return home immediately or face "liquidation."
Should creditors refuse, the network could face bankruptcy or liquidation.
As of 2011, it is facing liquidation.
Eastern never recovered from a crippling strike in 1989 and now faces liquidation.
The firm now faced liquidation and was taken over by Vincent Brooks.
Our visitors today, Botham Wanderers, are without a win so far this season and may possibly face liquidation before its end.
The company continued have financial difficulties and faced liquidation in 1888.
The world today is facing punishment and liquidation; therefore you have to be awake.