Though facing the challenge of competitiveness versus conventional guns (and sometimes railgun alternatives), coilguns are being researched for weaponry.
I've faced guns before, but intro is another kiling one uun want them blotting me off the wall.
If he should do that, he will hardly wish to have them face guns that he himself has given," Jamie pointed out logically.
They would not face guns; they had learned their lesson.
He could face guns like that, but only for the barest second would the spinning atom system within his body carry that intolerable load.
The posters show Mr. Julia, wearing a cassock and facing guns, framed by the outline of a large cross.
Now Mary would face real guns with real bullets.
And only then will you be able to face forts and guns.
They weren't being paid enough to face guns like that.
What helped was his adventure, not yet a year old, where twice he'd faced loaded guns and gotten it done anyway.