Has one of your favorite programs ever faced cancellation?
At the close of the third season, The Wire was still struggling to maintain its ratings and the show faced possible cancellation.
Much of the interest stemmed from rumours that the project was facing imminent cancellation.
And if costs rise 15 percent above contract amounts, they said, programs face cancellation.
The remaining episodes aired on Saturday nights where it faced cancellation after a single season.
If another launch attempt is not made in the next ten days, then it could face cancellation.
The owners could face suspension, revocation or cancellation of the store's license to sell alcohol.
Also facing cancellation is a $100 million expansion of a second pier.
By only 1995, the Comanche was facing complete cancellation as a choice between which defense development programs were to be scrapped.
Agency officials say the increase is imperative, but some deficit-conscious members of Congress have said the space station faces cutbacks or cancellation.