The fabulous thing is that these music apps just aren't expensive.
"It was a fabulous thing that happened in my life," he says.
"The fabulous thing about 2012 is that there are a few beauty looks that will work well for everyone," she says.
The fabulous thing was that, when seated, you couldn't see the crowd at all.
And then they tell you about all the fabulous things they've done over the past year, with a load of people you've never heard of.
He later called it "the most fabulous thing I've seen Microsoft do in years."
"It's been a fabulous thing for the city," he said.
Say, anyone around here know where i can get an official look at this through the fabulous new internetty thing?
It's a fabulous and noble thing he has done.
But that would be a fabulous thing, to try to handle that kind of challenge.