He regaled me with his vision of a new type of store, one filled with fabulous food and service.
Despite the sniping, the chefs are united in their belief that fabulous food can be produced with little or no butter or cream.
The eldest child came home the other day begging, pleading, whining for some fabulous, delicious, absolutely transcendent food he'd had at a friend's house.
This eclectic 'kitchen' turns out some truly fabulous food.
Customer service is superb and there is fabulous food.
Still, the price of overlooking the Brits' new culinary passion can be equally steep: you might miss some truly fabulous food.
We have eaten fabulous food, soaked up sunshine, and gone sightseeing - without changing our accommodation.
Beautiful view of the Nile River, fabulous food, wonderful service!
"She was a great cook and made fabulous food," Mr. Guthrie said.