The name of those fabulous animals (pagan, I regret to say) who used to sing in the water, has quite escaped me.
When news of this fabulous animal reached Germany, the artist Albrecht Dürer decided to draw it.
At 11:25 24th Dec 2011, colouredkingfisher wrote: I think that beavers are fabulous animals, you see how much everyone enjoys them!
Without her thick and fabulous animal, my grandmother was rail thin.
The dragon is the creature that comes most quickly to mind in the pantheon of fabulous animals, the subject of the show.
We both realize that none of this would be possible without the fabulous animals we do dearly love and appreciate.
In short, for him every book was like a fabulous animal that he was meeting in a strange land.
The fabulous animal is called in Italian "Biscione".
Were there jungles out there populated by fabulous alien animals?
A fabulous animal resembling a horse with one horn.