The fabric hung on his shoulders like lead, the burden of death it carried suddenly crushing.
The fabric was hanging on clotheslines behind the school and the designers had five minutes to collect it.
She peered inside, through the rents in the shredded piece of fabric hanging across the doorway.
Also, dance is about movement, so the way a fabric hangs or moves on the dancer is important.
"You mean that the future of civilization and probably the very fabric of universal existence hangs on this one?"
If they succeed, the fabric of the parafoil will collapse and hang with the capsule below.
The late afternoon sun is diffused by layers of translucent fabrics hanging from the ceiling.
The fabric hung about her hips, at the mercy of her petticoat.
The tapes were sound but the fabric was hanging in rags, and the whole was beating badly.
A glance inside-darkness, some benches, a fabric hanging on the wall above a sideboard.