A door opened from an inner apartment to admit a boy, sleepy eyed, digging a grimy fist into one eye.
He paused briefly when Larin gave birth to Petros, a laughing blue eyed boy.
Let some of his blue eyed boys do their share of holiday nights for a change because the worm was about to turn.
They spot the body of Tone's Aibar machine, Skyblue, the blue eyed boy, lying close to the waters.
And one and the other considered, I'd rather turn Timme out on a new world to struggle for his own than Parks' little bright eyed boy.
Inside of it appears a one eyed boy.
T'dark-eyed boy yer pa's been wanting-a boy like him.
At last, to his relief, he intercepted a page, a wide- eyed boy even younger than Am, who shyly gave him directions, then hurried away.
She questioned Colonel Mackenzie, the commanding officer of Fort Sill, whether there were any blue eyed boys on the reservation.
The risk of making a misplaced accusation was high, even though he was almost sure of the curdling -eyed boy.