His eyebrows and eyelashes also seemed to be missing.
Her eyebrows don't seem to match, her nose is too prominent and she never gives much thought to her hair.
The bushy eyebrows seemed to stand out as the scrivener peered at his apprentice.
Magus' black eyebrows seemed to stand out like smudges of ink against a face gone suddenly very white.
Heavy tufted eyebrows, black as pitch, seemed to entirely encase his small bright eyes.
The thick eyebrows that met over the nose now seemed like a heaving bar of white-hot metal.
Women also began to wear them more dramatically, pulled low on the head so the eyebrows seemed to disappear.
His brow was furrowed, making his eyebrows seem almost straight.
The judge's heavy eyebrows seemed to twitch upwards of their own accord.
"Oh," that eyebrow seems to be saying, "you must have money."