I could not see the eyes veiled under the long dark lids, but there was something quiet, almost sleepy about his voice and bearing.
Kirk's face was a pattern of shadows, his clever eyes veiled, mysterious.
The girl paused, eyes veiled by her lashes as she stared down at her hands.
His pale blue eyes, usually remote and even veiled, seemed unusually penetrating just then.
He could see the way her eyes would darken and veil, hiding feelings she had never before experienced, changing everything between them.
Then he smiled, his eyes slightly veiled as they swept over me.
Krstic's dark eyes veiled coolly as she looked up into the giant's face.
The astute blue eyes looked carefully into mine and then veiled themselves.
He was looking abstractedly across at the candle, head slightly tilted, his eyes veiled.
The Healer looked up, dark eyes veiled by his power.