They are given this name due to the fact that they often resemble a common and dangerous eye tumor, a uveal malignant melanoma.
You can get glaucoma after an eye injury, after eye surgery, or because of an eye tumor.
Plaque radiotherapy is a type of radiation therapy used to treat eye tumors.
There are only a handful of these machines around the world, and the only one available for eye tumours in Britain is at Clatterbridge.
Currently, there is no consensus regarding type or frequency of scans following diagnosis and treatment of the primary eye tumor.
It meant that she was likely to develop eye tumors, and that they might even start growing before she was born.
Larvae collected in oil-soaked areas had unusual numbers of eye tumors, said one study.
Doctors use the cryoprobe to freeze and destroy certain kinds of tissue, including warts, skin tumors, and eye tumors.
Flexner noted characteristic clusters of cells in an infantile eye tumor which he called retinoepithelioma.
She recalled her anguish as she'd waited to learn if Barty's eye tumors had spread along the optic nerve to his brain.