Patients also have eye problems including clouded eyes or reduced eye size, bilateral cataracts and glaucoma.
However, if birds have the same eye size but different body masses, the larger species sings later than the smaller.
At times the eye measured 300 nautical miles across, an eye size not matched by any of the other typhoons during this season.
Trilobites evolve smaller eyes in the run up to the Kellwasser event, with eye size increasing again afterwards.
A higher focal ratio is thought to compensate for the relatively high Matthiessen's ratio brought about by constraints of small eye size during early development.
Some masks have different eye size between left and right eyes, often wearing a scarf around his head (usually white with blue dots).
Formation of a nontransparent ring allowed more blood vessels, more circulation, and larger eye sizes.
The variation in the eye size of E. vicentespelaea suggest that this species may have been isolated in caves for a relatively short time.
Ichthyosaurs hold the record for eye size: the largest was 264mm in diameter ( 10.4 inches), from the species Temnodontosaurus platyodon.
The eye sizes of paired males were smaller than the unpaired ones.