Like the large, exuberant paintings of Joan Mitchell, these works hint at subjects without specifying their references.
This trend is most apparent in the production of rosemaling (pronounced RO-seh-mah-ling), the exuberant, vivid paintings of flowers on wood, a 19th-century craft that resembles the earlier painted French tinware called tole.
Hiswork has evolved from found-object, junk-assemblage pieces to exuberant, crosscultural paintings in a rollicking pop-art mode.
Among these dense and intensely exuberant paintings, there are several that adopt a format contrasting the structural control implied by shaped sections with the rich and loose unpredictability of nature.
Overhead is an exuberant oversized painting of fruits and vegetables, a visual harbinger of things to come.
A work that seems, in part, a response to Mr. de Kooning's exuberant paintings of women, the portrait's wavering surface also evokes his watery Clam Digger images of the 60's.
All together, there are 30 fanciful, exuberant paintings of fish, birds and flowers.
Her house is filled with books, altars to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and the exuberant paintings of her artist-friends.
The playful and exuberant paintings of Janet Davis recall fairy tales, while Martha Woodbury and other artists explore geometric shapes.
There is Norman Rockwell-like narrative entertainment and painterly appeal in Mr. Wyeth's exuberant paintings of scenes set on Monhegan Island in Maine.