He found the whole process extremely tiring; the new growth seemed to devour energy from the rest of his body.
I swung my body out, supporting myself for one extremely tiring moment with one hand, and swung the window shut behind me.
I know that really listening carefully is extremely tiring.
The daylong walk, though it was not fast, was extremely tiring.
In addition, speechreading takes a lot of focus, and can be extremely tiring.
Travelling can be extremely tiring, especially if I'm taking lots of internal flights at each end and rushing here and there.
She could not go far that way, for the extra weight was extremely tiring, but for this short hop it really helped.
She later commented that it was extremely tiring.
The trek had been long and extremely tiring, but they understood that they had to keep up.
The last piece to be applied was the pair of horns, which weighed ten pounds and were extremely tiring to wear.