My connection with my publisher seemed extremely tenuous.
It was extremely tenuous and only noticeable against the opening which led to daylight.
Moreover these extremely tenuous creatures took a peculiar joy in manipulating solids.
However, as the lawsuit went forward, the lawyers for Genie's mother increasingly felt their case was extremely tenuous at best.
"I have been able to arrive at only one, extremely tenuous connection between Gamma Canaris and current events," he said.
However, the biggest problem by far was the disappointment of fans with the film's extremely tenuous connection with the original series.
His dark colors, particularly the greens and blacks, have proven to be extremely tenuous.
Furthermore, as there is only an extremely tenuous atmosphere on the Moon, very distant objects will appear clearer and closer to the human eye.
Additionally, the sudden violence of Comanche raiding made settlements extremely tenuous.
The progress made in relation to Cuba, as described to us, appears extremely tenuous.