But it lost six key players from that squad and has looked extremely shaky in the backcourt.
Their studies are interesting, but based on extremely shaky experimental methods.
However, the club was on extremely shaky financial ground and didn't have many opportunities to generate revenue.
Will he borrow even more and thus eat into the state's extremely shaky bond rating?
That judgment was made on extremely shaky evidence.
They are weak, insecure, and on extremely shaky ground when you throw your curse, and they make ideal human sacrifices.
It is all important, the Mayor said, but he added, "At this point what matters most is the extremely shaky economic situation here."
The evidence is extremely shaky in this area.
In his view, the global economy is extremely shaky, and even the prediction of a severe recession might prove to be an optimistic scenario.
Running back Tiki Barber acknowledged that a loss would put the Giants on extremely shaky footing.