This woman has been so controlling about all press and all interviews were conducted under extremely restrictive circumstances.
Due to the nature of its actions, candidate acceptance is extremely restrictive and selective.
The offense was extremely restrictive and the Giants' defense and special teams almost won the game by themselves.
But when it emerges out of an extremely restrictive political climate, it can seem like a miracle.
It is also highly sought after, with an extremely restrictive reservations policy (see listing on page 6).
The extremely restrictive nature of the diet makes entire food groups off-limits on certain days.
With an extremely restrictive noise control law already on the books, sound in clubs and restaurants is limited to a socially acceptable level.
Many scientists say the rules are extremely restrictive.
In relation to access to documents, you are making an extremely restrictive interpretation of the regulation.
For example, the splitting up of the daily rest period into three hours and then nine strikes me as extremely restrictive.