But through my own direct observation, I can tell you he is extremely proficient with small arms and has defensive driving skills.
They were all qualified radio operators and extremely proficient in international Morse code.
They were extremely proficient at jazz and swing.
Some are cyberpunks; a few are extremely proficient in computing, others little more than novices.
The Patriots have a horrific defense and an extremely proficient quarterback.
He is an extremely proficient video-gamer and can beat Richard and Blastosaurus any day.
She is not only an extremely proficient expert in psychology, she also happens to be half Betazoid.
He was extremely proficient in the secrets.
His second son, Sait Selim (1966-1983) was extremely proficient in math and science.
She became extremely proficient in the use of pastels, eventually creating many of her most important works in this medium.