Tend not to deal in extremely perishable goods - root crops, beans and moistland grains - because of transit-time.
They are occasionally available at restaurants, but aren't sold commercially because they are extremely perishable.
Pain is extremely perishable.
The flowers, which have a delicate yet pronounced flavor, are extremely perishable - they last only a day once they have been picked.
This is a good question, as the coveted sweet corn of late summer is extremely perishable and must be chosen with care.
But in the severe weather of Alaska, paper money was extremely perishable and so the notes were printed in black ink on tanned yellow sealskin.
They are extremely perishable, lasting only a day or so after they have been picked.
Raw chard is extremely perishable.
If you buy them, plan to serve them that same day; the claws are extremely perishable and should be kept buried in crushed ice.
Caviar is extremely perishable and must be kept refrigerated until consumption.