The dwarf was staring up at each tall mensch in turn, peering at them through squinted eyes, as if he were extremely nearsighted.
Sitting far in the rear of a movie theater is valuable exercise, he declares, for extremely nearsighted eyes.
Limbeck's eyes were bright, inquisitive, and extremely nearsighted.
Being extremely nearsighted and finding it difficult to focus properly when he wore his spectacles, Limbeck invariably took them off when writing.
In my case it would be bifocals, as I have been extremely nearsighted since childhood.
Extremely nearsighted, he was unable to obtain a professional license.
The Duke stared at Blade, who now realized that the man was extremely nearsighted.
She is extremely nearsighted but usually wears contact lenses.
In "Sabrina's New Jimmy" it was revealed she is extremely nearsighted but usually wears contacts.
Improvements with Lasik are expected to help extremely nearsighted people and those with oddly shaped corneas.