They are extremely long-lived, with life-spans reaching into the tens of thousands of years.
There exist many extremely long-lived nuclides whose half-lives are still unknown.
This is not only toxic if ingested into the body, but extremely long-lived in the environment.
If that is the case, our visitors must be an extremely long-lived race.
They were also said to be extremely long-lived.
Total and extremely long-lived extensive power outages and water losses are to be expected, possibly for up to several months.
"Inquiry: What is it like to be extremely long-lived?"
It alpha decays to the extremely long-lived (in practice, stable) bismuth-209.
Even worse, the body can always make more, and compared with other cells they are extremely long-lived.
Similar to many other members of its genus, it is extremely long-lived, and has been known to reach an age of 205 years.