The reason that an extremely lenient criterion was adopted was simply that subjects generally gave very little detail about the situations they actually recalled correctly.
More than a year ago, lawyers in the case said that Mr. Causey rejected an extremely lenient plea agreement, insisting that he would go to trial.
My wife is extremely lenient about me going on trips with friends but a lot of women are like: 'You're going away this weekend?
By a fluke he escaped with extremely lenient punishment: he was allowed to hold on to a job in the central Government, but in disgrace.
Given his American connections, this punishment had been extremely lenient.
Holmes was criticised in Australia for offering extremely lenient terms, but he was under orders to occupy, not annex, German New Guinea.
Because there were no formal guidelines, sentences ranged from incredibly harsh to extremely lenient.
Many Italian lawyers say, however, that house arrests tend to be extremely lenient.
I have been extremely lenient with you, my son.
This had been a controversial office and there had been calls from Orange County grand juries to change the extremely lenient treatment given to large landowners.