The crash ends a period in which airline accidents have been extremely infrequent.
There are a few systemic (non-oral) medical conditions which may cause foul breath odor, but these are extremely infrequent in the general population.
The preserve's jagged backcountry is mountain lion terrain, although sightings are extremely infrequent.
While transformers sometimes catch fire, the "violent ruptures of the type that happened in Queens are extremely infrequent," he added.
Such a play is extremely infrequent in football.
Of great importance is the possibility that extremely infrequent occurrences are more likely than anticipated.
The team is used for counseling and consoling First Responders who may be faced with horrific or extremely infrequent incidents.
The inequities in the sheer amount of training required for certification make advancement of EMDs to paramedic status an extremely infrequent event.
Metastasis outside of the CNS has been reported but is extremely infrequent until multiple local relapses have occurred.
"The actual occurrence was extremely infrequent," she said.