Liz had said, sounding strong, healthy and extremely indignant at the way her child had been treated.
It was a colossal failure when it premiered as Almaviva; Paisiello's admirers were extremely indignant, sabotaging the production by whistling and shouting during the entire first act.
Beneath his impeccable demeanour, he was feeling extremely indignant.
He seemed, to M'Benga, extremely indignant for a hologram.
The proprietors at Blondie's also try to accommodate Mets fans like Arnie - no last name, please - who is extremely indignant over the absence of his team on cable.
"The king of China was extremely indignant with his daughter and replied: 'You have lost your senses and you must be treated accordingly.'"
She's extremely indignant at the suggestion.
But she said that students who were aware of the situation "were extremely indignant."
I was extremely indignant.
If I understood the tenor of their remarks, they were extremely indignant at being left without parents and grandparents for several days.