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As someone who was born in Africa I find this comment extremely ignorant and offensive.
He seems extremely ignorant to the fact that his costume does not disguise his identity, and is baffled when he is punished for things he did while wearing it.
Or else the House was extremely ignorant.
That is an extremely ignorant attitude caused by the same arrogance that comes with being rich.
We are, in reality, extremely ignorant of the various causes of this greatest killer disease.
Now with this extremely ignorant pick of the top travel country for 2012, I feel really let down!
Both she and Fyokla, the other sister-in-law, who was sitting a little way off listening, were extremely ignorant and could understand nothing.
My role, and one for which L was entirely qualified, was to be an extremely ignorant non-zoologist to whom everything that happened would come as a complete surprise.
Hither we may with safety retire and defy our enemies; and he that sees not this advantage must be extremely ignorant, and he that forgets it unhappy.
He is politically conservative and fanatical about various issues, despite the fact that he is extremely ignorant about those same issues.